A casino is a gambling establishment that offers a variety of games of chance. It also offers a variety of additional services that enhance the patron’s experience. These services include restaurants, free drinks and stage shows. There have been casinos with fewer amenities, but they would still qualify as casinos because they offer gambling activities.
Because of the large amounts of money handled by casino employees and patrons, there is a great deal of security in casinos. This security begins on the floor of the casino, where security personnel watch for blatant cheating and stealing by both players and dealers. Cameras throughout the casino help keep an eye on the action. In addition, casino surveillance personnel observe the activity on tables and slot machines from catwalks in the ceiling with one-way glass.
Casinos also spend a lot of money to lure gamblers. They advertise their services with bright lights and loud noises. They offer a wide selection of games, including poker, blackjack and craps. Many casinos also offer Asian games such as sic bo and fan-tan, which have spread to European casinos in recent years.
There is a social aspect to casino gambling, because the games are played with other people and the patrons often shout encouragement to their fellow players. The bright and sometimes gaudy colors of the floor and walls can be stimulating. Despite the high levels of noise and stimulation, casino designers avoid windows and clocks, because they can make gamblers lose track of time and their money.