A casino is a place where various gambling activities are carried out. It may also include restaurants, free drinks and stage shows. It has been a popular pastime throughout history, and some states even make it legal. Its popularity is probably due to the fact that it provides a great way to win money.
Gambling has been around for millennia, starting in 2300 BC with wooden blocks used for chance games, followed by dice in 500 AD and card games by the 1400s. The most famous casino game, baccarat, is still played in many modern casinos. In the United States, blackjack and trente et quarante are also widely played.
Because large amounts of currency are handled within a casino, security measures are essential. Casinos have both physical security forces and a specialized surveillance department. The physical security force patrols the casino and responds to calls for help or reports of suspicious activity. The surveillance department operates the closed circuit television system, which is referred to as an eye in the sky.
Casinos are often built near or combined with hotels, resorts, restaurants and other tourist attractions. Some casinos are also known for hosting live entertainment, such as stand-up comedy, concerts and sports events. There are even some casinos that offer luxury suites. The most luxurious of all casinos, perhaps, is the Casino di Venezia in Venice, Italy, which is set on the Grand Canal and takes guests to the gaming tables via a complimentary boat service.