Poker has become a cultural phenomenon with thousands of amateur players plowing small chunks of their paycheck into the game to test themselves. Their money filters up to a smaller and more specialized group of professionals who take the game far more seriously.
As a professional poker player, you will be exposed to a number of different playing styles and strategies that your opponents employ. Observing these moves will help you develop a well-rounded understanding of the game, allowing you to incorporate elements of different strategies into your own play.
During the first round of betting (before the flop), players put two mandatory bets into the pot: an ante and a blind. These bets create an incentive for players to participate in the hand and give them a chance to win the pot. Players may fold, call or raise a bet during this phase of the game.
After the flop, one additional card is dealt face up and another round of betting begins. The action starts to the left of the dealer and players may choose to fold, check (no bet), call or raise a bet.
The later you are in position, the more information you have about your opponent’s current hand and the stronger your own hand is. You can use this information to read your opponent’s actions and piece together their story. Whether they are trying to tell you that they have a weak or strong hand, the way that they bet and move their body will let you know what type of hand they are holding.